Generally speaking, companies use Six Sigma to reduce variation in products and processes - but the net effect of any Six Sigma project is what people are really looking for: fewer defects, shorter cycle times, increased capacity and throughput, lower costs, higher revenues and reduced capital expenditures.
When Six Sigma is deployed systematically and pervasively - with the right technology support and leadership force - it can produce large amounts of cash for shorter-term profitability or for longer-term investments. In its most simple sense, Six Sigma is a highly disciplined approach to decision making that helps people focus on improving processes to make them as near perfect as possible.
Lean and Six Sigma principles and techniques can be used in manufacturing and non-manufacturing environments. Increasingly, service sectors such as banking, financial services, airlines, government and healthcare are adopting the combined powers of Lean and Six Sigma as they recognize the need to deliver both speed (Lean) and quality (Six Sigma). |